Author’s Note

Trek is defined as a long and never ending journey.  Our Journey officially began, October 16, 1978 with the incorporation of Air Trek Inc.  But as you will learn in Chapter One, it actually began in the 1960’s.

In writing this book, I relied on many sources including recollections of family, friends, and team members.  Often, I would sketch out the basics, with details filled in by others, an occasional photo, news clipping, and other documents.  I cannot claim all the credit (if any due); rather, I must share it with occasional co-authors, collaborators, and editors.  I especially need to thank my brother Wayne, not only as a co-author but also as a collaborator these past 35 years, brothers Lester for his tech skills, and Darol for keeping us on the legal up & up!  Also thanks to the editors, Bonnie Carr (a trying experience for a seasoned English teacher), Dr. Lori Carr (testing both her experience with elementary children as well as Doctoral candidates), and Ashlee Carr (who never thought a masters in marketing would get her in this spot).

Let’s call this a work of a committee.  Of course it has been said a Camel is a horse designed by a committee.  Not pretty, but very efficient.

This work is not written in chronological order rather by events, themes or ramblings.  Some names and dates may be off.  If you can fill in some blanks, send me an email.  Please revisit this site on occasion, as we will be adding chapters and details as time allows.

As a “Trek”, this will never be quite complete, hopefully for many years to come!

Dana Carr

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